Welcome to South Bristol Views, a web site dedicated to the photography , history and discussion of South Bristol, NY, located in the beautiful Finger Lakes region of NYS. Or at least to some decent camera info, mostly Graflex equipment and manuals, the new Super Graphic Cam Designer program for windows and the SBV Bellows Extension Calculator and more... |
Please note: We have just moved to a new host (late October 2017). Please bear with us... If something doesn't work right, let me know. There's several sites that need updating and checking and not much time to devote... One update: I recently (4/15) added the Super Graphic Cam Designer program (for windows) to the Graflex Manuals page. It will design and print a cam for any focal length lens which gives you a template for making your own cam. It's been updated to version 1.3 04/06/15 and is now much more accurate and just better overall. See it here. I still don't have the time to update this site as work, my daughters, 200 year old house, cars, and my daughters keep me too busy. I do try to update certain things when possible such as the Graflex Manuals section as I get new additions and keeping the spammers off the Graflexchange forum. I just went through the used equipment links and got rid of many of the outdated ones. I Removed the South Bristol Town info as it was sorely outdated and noone really cares much. The Town has a very nice site of their own now so go there for Town info... The camera info will get updated as I get the time as some people actually do care. I have just recently (06/13) updated the links as many were no longer available or changed. Thank You! to those who have sent e-mails about the camera info even if I don't get the time (or remember) to respond. I can only do what I can do... |
Special note: We'd really like to find some local South Bristol folk who could contribute to the site. This could be with pictures, history, stories, or just some suggestions! The old General message board is no longer functional but remains till I take it off. Some feedback from residents whould be nice! South Bristol is a beautiful rural town in the Finger Lakes region of New York State. South Bristol was founded in 1838, but I moved here just a few years ago when I met my wife who alreay lived in this area. We searched for months to find the 'perfect' home and found a wonderful old 1830's farm house. It happened to be in South Bristol. I have come to greatly appreciate our town, it's beautiful scenery and friendly people. When I finally picked up my old hobby of photography, it was a natural progression to create a web site that would showcase the town we live in and it's surroundings. It was also the only excuse I could think of to get my wife to allow me to buy new photographic equipment! ;-) South Bristol may be a "small rural town", but it has a wealth of history, attractions and beauty. It is home to the Gell Center for writers and creative arts; the C.E. Kenneth Mees Observatory, Arbor Hill Grapery, the J. Warren Cutler Scout Reservation for the Boy Scouts of America, the Cummings Nature Center, miles of access to Canandaigua Lake, Bristol Mountain Ski Resort and a host of other things to see and enjoy. By the way, the Mees Observatory with it's 24 inch telescope is located on Gannet Hill. That "Gannet" is from Frank Gannet, the newspaper and media mogule who once lived there... So, browse around and view our town. Since this is a new web site, it will go through a bit of change as I get the time to work on it and I'm always open to suggestions. Right now we're planning on doing 'Seasons', starting off with some Winter shots we recently took on our first photo expedition for the web site. We are also looking for local history: stories; biographies; facts about the town, buildings and people, and old maps & photos etc... There will allways be more to show than we can possibly photograph and display here, but we'll keep adding and exploring. And if you know of any interesting places that should be here, let us know!. We hope to expand into old barns and houses, scenic views, birds and just about anything else we can think of. Thanks for visiting South Bristol Views and let us know what you think! |
Note: All photographs, pictures and artwork displayed on this site are copyright © 1999-2017 South Bristol Views. Any reproduction or other use by written consent only!
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