What you're allowed (and not) to sell here! And some rules.

This forum is for selling Graflex/Graphic equipment _ONLY_! Directly associated equipment is allowed such as: flash bulbs, filter adapters, etc. But anything not made by Graflex better be directly related!
Site Admin
Posts: 91
Joined: Sun Sep 05, 2004 1:13 am
My favorite camera: Century Universal
Location: South of Rochester, NY

What you're allowed (and not) to sell here! And some rules.

Post by RichSBV »

For clarification, I thought I'd spell out in a bit more detail on what is allowed to be sold/requested on this forum.

Graflex and graflex associated items ONLY!
This of course includes the earlier "Folmer and Schwing" and "Folmer Graflex" companies.

What you CAN sell/request:

Graflex/Graphic camera and accessories that have the Graflex/Graphic/Folmer name on them.
Accessories that would have been originally used with graflex cameras such as Heiland or SOL flashes, fiber cases, flash bulbs, etc.
Parts for Graflex/Graphic cameras, even if they are new. Such as the hard to find small screws, lens boards, ground glass (new or old), synchronizers, etc.

What you can NOT sell/request here:

Anything NOT directly associated with Graflex/Graphic/Folmer cameras.
NO Nikon, Cannon, Minolta, Mamiya, etc...
Deffnitely NO digital anything!
Absolutely NO auction advertisements! (unless you're responding to someone elses want ad).

Who can sell here:

Anyone for the moment. Any abuse or flooding will not be tolerated! Unless it causes problems for me and/or users, commercial establishments can post for sale here. If it becomes apparent that this causes any problems, commercial users will be banned. Sorry, but this forum is primarily directed at users and collectors.

And please; if your item is sold post a reply to, or edit your message stating so for everyone's convenience.

Note that all messages have a 30 day expiration. This time period may change in the future depending on how site traffic works out.

As a side note: No abusive posts will be tolerated at any time. Anyone who causes problems for me or other users will be banned. I doubt we'll have any problems with the Graflex community though :)

Enjoy the forums. Hopefully it will provide a worthwhile service for the Graflex community. There's a special forum for any suggestions and comments. And for discussions of Graflex equipment, please use:

Important. Read this!
Please note that RichSBV and SouthBristolViews.com is simply providing a message forum for users of Graflex equipment to get together on sales and purchases. RichSBV and SouthBristolViews.com can NOT be held responsible for the posts made by any users of this forum. RichSBV and SouthBristolViews.com can not and will not become an intermediary between any buyer/seller and can not be held responsible for any transaction problems. If you have any doubts, do not use the forums! If you need guarantees, try one of the auction services, or better yet, buy from a well known camera dealer.

P.S. We are not associated in any way with graflex.org (other than being a very happy user of their system!). We are a completely independent message forum specifically geared to the seller/buyer/collector of Graflex camera equipment... Please do NOT bother anyone on graflex.org with any problems you may encounter here. It just wouldn't be polite!

And a reminder that all posts expire (auto deleted) after 30 days. If you need to have your post last longer than that, simply reply to the original post, usually with a simple "bump" text...